The Short Answer
Step One:
Spend time reading about Fayette on this website.
Step Two:
Email from our contact page, and set up a tour.
Step Three:
Come see our campus and meet staff.
Step Four:
Have a follow up conversation with our admissions person.
The Long Answer
We select a couple days a year as parent visiting days. Any interested parent can come at one of these times. Visitors are welcome to stay as long as they wish to tour the grounds, and ask questions. We remind each visitor that because of our small size we have room for only a few new students each year.
When a parent feels that FSA might work for their child, an appointment is made for a visit by the prospective student. The child arrives between 8:00 and 8:30, bringing food and weather appropriate clothes and plans to stay until 3:00. During this visit, the child will experience classroom time, breaks with the other kids and play time at the park. We conduct a respectful, playful evaluation of the child’s learning styles and skill levels. Our aim is to get to know each child and understand something about his/her social and academic needs. We ask the parents to dialogue with their child about the visit and email within a few days to let us know if they are interested in joining the Fayette community.
After children visit, all of the staff pool information to help determine whether our school can assist them in the next stage of their life journey. We carefully consider the balance of ages, boys and girls and learning needs in each classroom in the evaluation process. As soon as we have reached a decision we let the family know if we believe the child will do well with us and if we have a space available. Race and religion are not part of the selection process.

Next, comes the Hard Talk where the nuts and bolts of registration are examined and we inform parents that they are always welcome at school and indeed are expected to participate in the educational process, though not the curriculum. Also that their child will, from time to time, have social difficulties with others in our community. Our technique is never to blame others, rather to gather parties in conflict and show both how different paths of thought and conduct can add to each feeling more empowered.
After the Hard Talk a signed contract for the following school year with a $300 deposit adds another member and family to the Fayette community. We do not maintain a waiting list from year to year. Each year the process starts anew.